Friday, June 8, 2007

ADO Explorer A sql tool for Access/MS-SQL/VFP

I just spent the last day converting data from a legacy access application to My Rails app (back end "dictated" db ms-sql), It was a tedious exercuise using Access and MS's Managment Studio.

Years ago developed an application that could access any ADO database using a common interface. So I developed it again, but made it better. Conversion was a breeze. This tool affectionately called ADOExploer is available here ADO Explorer Page. Feedback so-far has been good, enjoy

1 comment:

daniel said...

In case you ever do Ms Access conversion again, I've worked up a somewhat rough ADO msaccess adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord. Also, it looks like you know your ADO well - if you use it, feel free to contribute!
