MSSQL Microsft SQL Server only stores dates as datetime, As a consequence this is interperted by rails as a Time class, however a Time class cannot have dates prior to 1970, So effectively a date_select etc will raise an exception, for dates prior to 1970. If the column is in reality just a date, why not make it a date.
A have tested hoping rails v2.0 solves this but to no avail, So I needed to go back to my original solution.
My solution relies on manually changing the base type of such fields back to date. Hope this helps others.
What to patch/change
(1) We need to allow a model to change the type of a column. So we patch SQLServerColumn to allow the type to be changed
(2) Edit each model to change, the appropriate columns datatype after_initialize.
(3) Patch "SQLServerColumn" to return a date for a date.
Allow column type to be change
Create lib/sql_server_column_ext.rb
# Patch SqlServerColumn as may need to change column type from datetime to a date, as time cannot be -ve (< 1970) !!! class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerColumn def type=(val) @type=val end end
Edit config/environment.rb
require 'sql_server_column_ext.rb'
Change data type on column, after initalized
Edit model (e.g app/models/patient.rb)
@@patched_date_of_birth_type=false def after_initialize if ( !@@patched_date_of_birth_type ) date_of_birth_column = Patient.columns_hash['date_of_birth'] date_of_birth_column.type= :date @@patched_date_of_birth_type=true end end
Fix up SQLServerColumn
Edit C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\activerecord-sqlserver-adapter-1.0.0\lib\active_record\connection_adapters\sqlserver_adapter.rb
Implement code to return a date not DateTime when a column has a type of :date
Change "type_cast" method and introduce new method "cast_to_date". The code almost works without this change, but weird things (dates becomming null) because of issues related to converting between Date and Time and vise versa.
def type_cast(value) etc... when :date then cast_to_date(value) # was cast_to_datetime(value) etc... end def cast_to_date(value) return value.to_date if value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) || value.is_a?(DBI::Timestamp) # DateTime is_a? Date if value.is_a?(String) date_array = ParseDate.parsedate(value) return*date_array[0..2]) rescue nil end return nil end
If there is a more elegant solution I would very much like to know
1 comment:
A more elegant solution is to include the sqlserver adapter in vendor/plugins/adapters and make the changes to it in there so your app is portable.
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