I needed a text field to automatically select items from a select list, To assist the users when coding on a form.
Within "script.aculo" there is a similar function Autocompleter that autocompletes, given a list of possible choices, this is done client/browser side
The Solution
To develop a autoselector, this would take the text field to monitor, a list of keywords to match, and input select to update
The JavaScript Code
Place the below code into say "application.js"
NOTE: This code required prototype.js, effects.js and controls.js to be included
//======================================== // Autoselector.local // Contributors: // Murray Speight ( //======================================== // Define a client side Autoselector.Local, like "Autocompleter.Local" // Requires, prototype.js, effects.js and controls.js // // Parameters: id of element to watch, id to update, and array of [keyword,value] pairs // The keyword can be a regular expression e.g. "deep.*vein" var Autoselector = {}; Autoselector.Local = Class.create(); Autoselector.Local.prototype = { initialize: function(element, update, keyvalue ) { this.element = $(element); if ( this.element ) { this.update = $(update); this.options = {}; this.keyvalue = keyvalue; = null; this.element.setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); observer=this.onKeyUp.bindAsEventListener(this); Event.observe(this.element, "keyup", observer ); } }, onKeyUp: function(event) { // Scan the text for keywords, using regular expressions var text=this.element.value.toLowerCase(); for (i=0;i<this.keyvalue.length;i++) { var re=new RegExp('\\b'+this.keyvalue[i][0]); if ( >= 0 ) { var newvalue = this.keyvalue[i][1]; if ( this.update.value != newvalue ) { this.update.value = newvalue; // If has an onchange event, Call it if ( this.update.onchange ); } break; } } } }
Example HTML Usage
Below is an example usage. Typically the keywords/choices will be generated by the back end application. This is a tiedied up example of the generated html
NOTE:Ensure the call to new Autoselector.Local is called after the controls are defined
<input id="case_subject" maxlength="78" name="case[subject]" size="46" type="text" /> <select id="case_coding_id" name="case[coding_id]" onchange="my_on_change_coding(); void 0;"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">Cellulitis</option> <option value="2">Deep vein thrombosis</option> <option value="3">Respiratory Infections</option> </select> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ new Autoselector.Local('case_subject','case_coding_id', [["absces", 1], ["abces", 1], ["cellulit", 1], ["dvt", 2], ["deep.*vein", 2], ["thrombo", 2], ["pneum", 3], ["bromo", 3]]); //]]> </script>